

Fast Positive Hash library. [`zlib`](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Zlib)

FAQ: Why t1ha don’t follow NH-approach like FARSH, XXH3, HighwayHash and so on?

Okay, just for clarity, we should distinguish functions families: MMH (Multilinear-Modular-Hashing), NMH (Non-linear Modular-Hashing) and the next simplification step UMAC’s NH.

Now take a look to NH hash-function family definition: Wikipedia

It is very SIMD-friendly, since SSE2’s _mm_add_epi32() and _mm_mul_epu32() is enough for _W =
32_. On the other hand, the result of the inner multiplication becomes zero when (m[2i] + k[2i]) mod 2^32 == 0 or (m[2i+1] + k[2i+1]) mod 2^32 == 0, in which case the opposite multiplier will not affect the result of hashing, i.e. NH function just ignores part of the input data. I called this an “blinding multiplication”. That’s all. More useful related information can be googled by “UMAC NH key recovery attack”.

The right NMH/NH code without entropy loss should be looking like this:

    uint64_t proper_NH_block(const uint32_t *M /* message data */,
                             const uint64_t *K /* 64-bit primes */,
                             size_t N_even, uint64_t optional_weak_seed) {
      uint64_t H = optional_weak_seed;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < N_even / 2; ++i)
        H += (uint64_t(M[i*2]) + K[i*2]) * (uint64_t(M[i*2+1]) + K[i*2+1]);
      return H;

Planned: t1ha4 = 128 and 256 bits, fast insecure fingerprinting

Planned: t1ha5 = 256 bits, fast Cryptographic, but with some limitations

Planned: t1ha6 = 256 and 512 bits, Cryptographic with reasonable resistance to acceleration on GPU and FPGA.

Planned: t1ha7 = 256, 512 and 1024 bits, Cryptographic, Strong Post-Quantum


The t1ha was originally developed by Leonid Yuriev (Леонид Юрьев) for The 1Hippeus project - zerocopy messaging in the spirit of Sparta!

The --hash-stdin-strings option

One noteable option is --hash-stdin-strings, it intended to estimate hash collisions on your custom data. With this option test tool will hash each line from standard input and print its hash to standard output.

For instance, you could count collisions for lines from some words.list file by bash’s command:

  ./t1ha/test --hash-stdin-strings < words.list | sort | uniq -c -d | wc -l

More complex example - count xxhash() collisions for lines from words.list and 0…10000 numbers, with distinction only in 32 bit of hash values:

  (cat words.list && seq 0 10000) | \
     ./t1ha/test --xxhash --hash-stdin-strings | \
     cut --bytes=-8 | sort | uniq -c -d | wc -l


SMHasher is a wellknown test suite designed to test the distribution, collision, and performance properties of non-cryptographic hash functions.

Reini Urban provides extended version/fork of SMHasher which integrates a lot of modern hash functions, including t1ha.

So, the quality and speed of t1ha can be easily checked with the following scenario:

git clone https://github.com/rurban/smhasher
cd smhasher
cmake .
./SMHasher City64
./SMHasher metrohash64_1
./SMHasher xxHash64
./SMHasher t1ha

For properly performance please use at least GCC 5.5, Clang 6.0 or Visual Studio 2017.


Please take in account that the results is significantly depend on actual CPU, compiler version and CFLAGS. The results below were obtained in 2016 with:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU;
  • Compiler: gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4);
  • CFLAGS: -march=native -O3 -fPIC;


Order by average Cycles per Hash for 1..31 bytes (less is better).

Function MiB/Second Cycles/Hash Notes (quality, portability)
donothing 15747227.36 6.00 not a hash (just for reference)
sumhash32 43317.86 16.69 not a hash (just for reference)
FNV1a_YoshimitsuTRIAD 13000.49 24.96 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
crc64_hw 7308.06 28.37 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE4.2)
crc32_hw 5577.64 29.10 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE4.2)
NOP_OAAT_read64 1991.31 30.46 poor (100% bias, 2.17x collisions)
Crap8 2743.80 32.50 poor (2.42% bias, collisions, 2% distrib)
t1ha_aes 34636.42 33.03 non-portable (AES-NI)
t1ha 12228.80 35.55
MUM 10246.20 37.25 non-portable (different result, machine specific)
Murmur2 2789.89 38.37 poor (1.7% bias, 81x coll, 1.7% distrib)
t1ha_32le 5958.54 38.54 alien (designed for 32-bit CPU)
t1ha_64be 9321.23 38.29 alien (designed for big-endian CPU)
lookup3 1817.11 39.30 poor (28% bias, collisions, 30% distrib)
t1ha_32be 5873.45 39.81 alien (designed for 32-bit big-endian CPU)
Murmur2C 3655.60 42.68 poor (91% bias, collisions, distrib)
fasthash64 5578.06 43.42
Murmur2A 2789.85 43.38 poor (12.7% bias)
xxHash32 5513.55 43.72
Murmur2B 5578.21 44.13 weak (1.8% bias, collisions, distrib)
fasthash32 5381.46 45.50
cmetrohash64_1_optshort 11808.92 46.33 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
metrohash64_2 12113.12 46.88 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
cmetrohash64_1 12081.32 47.28 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
metrohash64_1 12024.68 47.21 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
Murmur3F 5473.62 47.37
superfast 1860.25 47.45 poor (91% bias, 5273.01x collisions, 37% distrib)
cmetrohash64_2 12052.58 48.66
Murmur3A 2232.00 48.16
City32 5014.33 51.13 far to perfect (2 minor collisions)
City64 11041.72 51.77
metrohash64crc_2 20582.76 51.39 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
sumhash 9668.13 51.31 not a hash (just for reference)
metrohash64crc_1 21319.23 52.36 weak (cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
PMurHash32 2232.26 53.18
Murmur3C 3719.22 54.05
bernstein 921.43 55.17 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
xxHash64 11123.15 56.17
Spooky32 11464.20 59.45
City128 12551.54 60.93
FarmHash64 12145.36 60.12 non-portable (SSE4.2)
Spooky128 11735.99 60.45 weak (collisions with 4bit diff)
Spooky64 11820.20 60.39
CityCrc128 14821.82 62.38 non-portable (SSE4.2)
MicroOAAT 826.32 62.06 poor (100% bias, distrib)
metrohash128_1 11063.78 66.58 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
metrohash128_2 11465.18 66.72 weak (cyclic collisions)
GoodOAAT 930.18 68.24
metrohash128crc_1 21322.80 70.33 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash128crc_2 20990.70 70.40 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
farmhash64_c 12033.13 71.30 non-portable (SSE4.2)
sdbm 695.29 71.76 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
FNV1a 684.17 72.75 poor (zeros, 100% bias, collisions, distrib)
FNV64 697.67 72.70 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
FarmHash128 12515.98 77.43 non-portable (SSE4.2)
hasshe2 2587.39 81.23 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE2)
BadHash 558.14 87.87 not a hash (just for reference)
x17 551.99 89.24 poor (99.98% bias, collisions, distrib)
JenkinsOOAT_perl 558.14 95.26 poor (1.5-11.5% bias, 7.2x collisions)
farmhash128_c 12709.06 96.42 non-portable (SSE4.1)
MurmurOAAT 465.12 107.61 poor (collisions, 99.99% distrib)
JenkinsOOAT 558.13 116.75 poor (53.5% bias, collisions, distrib)
falkhash 8909.54 124.48 non-portable (AES-NI)
crc32 342.27 142.06 poor (insecure, 8589.93x collisions, distrib)
SipHash 962.35 147.36
md5_32a 433.03 508.98
sha1_32a 531.44 1222.44


Order by hashing speed in Mi-bytes (2^20 = 1048576) per second for 262144-byte block (more is better).

Function MiB/Second Cycles/Hash Notes (quality, portability)
donothing 15747227.36 6.00 not a hash (just for reference)
sumhash32 43317.86 16.69 not a hash (just for reference)
t1ha_aes 34636.42 33.03 non-portable (AES-NI)
metrohash128crc_1 21322.80 70.33 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash64crc_1 21319.23 52.36 seems weak (cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash128crc_2 20990.70 70.40 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash64crc_2 20582.76 51.39 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions), non-portable (SSE4.2)
CityCrc128 14821.82 62.38 non-portable (SSE4.2)
FNV1a_YoshimitsuTRIAD 13000.49 24.96 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
farmhash128_c 12709.06 96.42 non-portable (SSE4.1)
City128 12551.54 60.93
FarmHash128 12515.98 77.43 non-portable (SSE4.2)
t1ha 12228.80 35.55
FarmHash64 12145.36 60.12 non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash64_2 12113.12 46.88 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
cmetrohash64_1 12081.32 47.28 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
cmetrohash64_2 12052.58 48.66 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
farmhash64_c 12033.13 71.30 non-portable (SSE4.2)
metrohash64_1 12024.68 47.21 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
Spooky64 11820.20 60.39
cmetrohash64_1_optshort 11808.92 46.33 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
Spooky128 11735.99 60.45 weak (collisions with 4-bit diff)
metrohash128_2 11465.18 66.72 weak (cyclic collisions)
Spooky32 11464.20 59.45
xxHash64 11123.15 56.17
metrohash128_1 11063.78 66.58 seems weak (likely cyclic collisions)
City64 11041.72 51.77
MUM 10246.20 37.25 non-portable (different result, machine specific)
sumhash 9668.13 51.31 not a hash (just for reference)
t1ha_64be 9321.23 38.29 alien (designed for big-endian CPU)
falkhash 8909.54 124.48 non-portable (AES-NI)
crc64_hw 7308.06 28.37 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE4.2)
t1ha_32le 5958.54 38.54 alien (designed for 32-bit CPU)
t1ha_32be 5873.45 39.81 alien (designed for 32-bit big-endian CPU)
fasthash64 5578.06 43.42
Murmur2B 5578.21 44.13 weak (1.8% bias, collisions, distrib)
crc32_hw 5577.64 29.10 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE4.2)
xxHash32 5513.55 43.72
Murmur3F 5473.62 47.37
fasthash32 5381.46 45.50
City32 5014.33 51.13 far to perfect (2 minor collisions)
Murmur3C 3719.22 54.05
Murmur2C 3655.60 42.68 poor (91% bias, collisions, distrib)
Murmur2 2789.89 38.37 poor (1.7% bias, 81x coll, 1.7% distrib)
Murmur2A 2789.85 43.38 poor (12.7% bias)
Crap8 2743.80 32.50 poor (2.42% bias, collisions, 2% distrib)
hasshe2 2587.39 81.23 poor (insecure, 100% bias, collisions, distrib), non-portable (SSE2)
Murmur3A 2232.00 48.16
PMurHash32 2232.26 53.18
NOP_OAAT_read64 1991.31 30.46 poor (100% bias, 2.17x collisions)
superfast 1860.25 47.45 poor (91% bias, 5273.01x collisions, 37% distrib)
lookup3 1817.11 39.30 poor (28% bias, collisions, 30% distrib)
SipHash 962.35 147.36
GoodOAAT 930.18 68.24
bernstein 921.43 55.17 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
MicroOAAT 826.32 62.06 poor (100% bias, distrib)
FNV64 697.67 72.70 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
sdbm 695.29 71.76 poor (100% bias, collisions, distrib)
FNV1a 684.17 72.75 poor (zeros, 100% bias, collisions, distrib)
BadHash 558.14 87.87 not a hash (just for reference)
JenkinsOOAT 558.13 116.75 poor (53.5% bias, collisions, distrib)
JenkinsOOAT_perl 558.14 95.26 poor (1.5-11.5% bias, 7.2x collisions)
x17 551.99 89.24 poor (99.98% bias, collisions, distrib)
sha1_32a 531.44 1222.44
MurmurOAAT 465.12 107.61 poor (collisions, 99.99% distrib)
md5_32a 433.03 508.98
crc32 342.27 142.06 poor (insecure, 8589.93x collisions, distrib)

This is a mirror of the origin repository that was moved to abf.io because of discriminatory restrictions for Russian Crimea.


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