

A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅

Need Help?

If you have a question about how to use KVKCalendar in your application, ask it on StackOverflow using the KVKCalendar tag.

Please, use Issues only for reporting bugs or requesting a new features in the library.


pod 'KVKCalendar'

Adding Pods to an Xcode project


github "kvyatkovskys/KVKCalendar"

Adding Frameworks to an Xcode project

Swift Package Manager (Xcode 12 or higher)

  1. In Xcode navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency…
  2. Select a project
  3. Paste the repository URL (https://github.com/kvyatkovskys/KVKCalendar.git) and click Next.
  4. For Rules, select Version (Up to Next Major) and click Next.
  5. Click Finish.

Adding Package Dependencies to Your App


To customize calendar create an object Style and add to init class CalendarView.

public struct Style {
    public var event = EventStyle()
    public var timeline = TimelineStyle()
    public var week = WeekStyle()
    public var allDay = AllDayStyle()
    public var headerScroll = HeaderScrollStyle()
    public var month = MonthStyle()
    public var year = YearStyle()
    public var list = ListViewStyle()
    public var locale = Locale.current
    public var calendar = Calendar.current
    public var timezone = TimeZone.current
    public var defaultType: CalendarType?
    public var timeHourSystem: TimeHourSystem = .twentyFourHour
    public var startWeekDay: StartDayType = .monday
    public var followInSystemTheme: Bool = false 
    public var systemCalendars: Set<String> = []


Sergei Kviatkovskii


  • coming soon...