

An all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. [Core-Module: ISC, Rest: GPL2/GPL3/Proprietary] [website](http://www.juce.com/)

The Projucer

The repository doesn’t contain a pre-built Projucer so you will need to build it for your platform - Xcode, Visual Studio and Linux Makefile projects are located in extras/Projucer/Builds (the minimum system requirements are listed in the minimum system requirements section below). The Projucer can then be used to create new JUCE projects, view tutorials and run examples. It is also possible to include the JUCE modules source code in an existing project directly, or build them into a static or dynamic library which can be linked into a project.

For further help getting started, please refer to the JUCE documentation and tutorials.


Version 3.22 or higher is required. To use CMake, you will need to install it, either from your system package manager or from the official download page. For comprehensive documentation on JUCE’s CMake API, see the JUCE CMake documentation. For examples which may be useful as starting points for new CMake projects, see the CMake examples directory.

Building Examples

To use CMake to build the examples and extras bundled with JUCE, simply clone JUCE and then run the following commands, replacing “DemoRunner” with the name of the target you wish to build.

cd /path/to/JUCE
cmake --build cmake-build --target DemoRunner

Minimum System Requirements

Building JUCE Projects

  • C++ Standard: 17
  • macOS/iOS: Xcode 12.4 (Intel macOS 10.15.4, Apple Silicon macOS 11.0)
  • Windows: Visual Studio 2019 (Windows 10)
  • Linux: g++ 7.0 or Clang 6.0 (for a full list of dependencies, see here).
  • Android: Android Studio (NDK 26) on Windows, macOS or Linux

Deployment Targets

  • macOS: macOS 10.11
  • Windows: Windows 10
  • Linux: Mainstream Linux distributions
  • iOS: iOS 12
  • Android: Android 5 - Lollipop (API Level 21)


  • coming soon...