

An extensive math library.



First clone the project from github:

git clone git@github.com:josdejong/mathjs.git
cd mathjs

Install the project dependencies:

npm install

Then, the project can be build by executing the build script via npm:

npm run build

This will build ESM output, CommonJS output, and the bundle math.js from the source files and put them in the folder lib.


When developing new features for mathjs, it is good to be aware of the following background information.


The code of mathjs is written in ES modules, and requires all files to have a real, relative path, meaning the files must have a *.js extension. Please configure adding file extensions on auto import in your IDE.

Implementing a new function

A common case is to implement a new function. This involves the following steps:

  • Implement the function in the right category, for example ./src/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.js, where you can replace arithmetic with the proper category, and myNewFunction with the name of the new function. Add the new function to the index files ./src/factoriesAny.js and possibly ./src/factoriesNumber.js.
  • Write documentation on the function in the source code comment of myNewFunction.js. This documentation is used to auto generate documentation on the website.
  • Write embedded documentation for the new function in ./src/expression/embeddedDocs/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.js. Add the new documentation to the index file ./src/expression/embeddedDocs/embeddedDocs.js.
  • Write unit tests for the function in ./test/unit-tests/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.test.js.
  • Write the necessary TypeScript definitions for the new function in ./types/index.d.ts, and write tests for it in ./test/typescript-tests/testTypes.ts. This is described in ./types/EXPLANATION.md.
  • Ensure the code style is ok by running npm run lint (run npm run format to fix the code style automatically).


To execute tests for the library, install the project dependencies once:

npm install

Then, the tests can be executed:

npm test

To test the type definitions:

npm run test:types

Additionally, the tests can be run on FireFox using headless mode:

npm run test:browser

To run the tests remotely on BrowserStack, first set the environment variables BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME and BROWSER_STACK_ACCESS_KEY with your username and access key and then execute:

npm run test:browserstack

You can separately run the code linter, though it is also executed with npm test:

npm run lint

To automatically fix linting issue, run:

npm run format

To test code coverage of the tests:

npm run coverage

To see the coverage results, open the generated report in your browser:


Continuous integration testing

Continuous integration tests are run on Github Actions and BrowserStack every time a commit is pushed to github. Github Actions runs the tests for different versions of node.js, and BrowserStack runs the tests on all major browsers.


Thanks Github Actions and BrowserStack for the generous free hosting of this open source project!


  • coming soon...