

Job scheduling library which utilizes lambdas for fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs. Guarantees execution by single scheduler instance using optimistic locking. Has features for persistence, minimal dependencies and is embeddable.


Thanks for building JobRunr, I like it a lot! Before that I used similar libraries in Ruby and Golang and JobRunr so far is the most pleasant one to use. I especially like the dashboard, it’s awesome! Alex Denisov

View more feedback on jobrunr.io.


  • Simple: just use Java 8 lambda’s to create a background job.
  • Distributed & cluster-friendly: guarantees execution by single scheduler instance using optimistic locking.
  • Persistent jobs: using either a RDBMS (four tables and a view) or a NoSQL data store.
  • Embeddable: built to be embedded in existing applications.
  • Minimal dependencies: (ASM, slf4j and either jackson and jackson-datatype-jsr310, gson or a JSON-B compliant library).

Do you like to work Spring based?

Add the jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter to your dependencies and you’re almost ready to go! Just set up your application.properties:

# the job-scheduler is enabled by default
# the background-job-server and dashboard are disabled by default

Or do you prefer a fluent API?

Define a javax.sql.DataSource and put the following code on startup:

public class JobRunrApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(JobRunrApplication.class, args);

    public JobScheduler initJobRunr(DataSource dataSource, JobActivator jobActivator) {
        return JobRunr.configure()

How can I contribute?

How to build?

  • git clone https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr.git
  • cd jobrunr
  • cd core/src/main/resources/org/jobrunr/dashboard/frontend
  • npm i
  • npm run build
  • cd -
  • ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Then, in your own project you can depend on org.jobrunr:jobrunr:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.


  • coming soon...