

Builder for serializing ArrayBuffer


CI Pursuit Maintainer: jamesdbrock

ArrayBuffer serialization in the “builder monoid” and “builder monad” style. In this style, we build up serialized data structures by telling to a Writer monad with do-notation. This style of serialization has been used for a long time and we insist that it works really well.

This package provides a Builder monoid and a PutM monad which are roughly equivalent to types of the same name in the Haskell Data.Binary.Put module.

Serialize an integer

Create a two-byte arraybuffer :: ArrayBuffer which contains the number -10 encoded as big-endian 16-bit two’s-complement.

import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder (execPut, putInt16be)

  arraybuffer :: ArrayBuffer <- execPut $ putInt16be (-10)

Serialize three floats

Create a 24-byte arraybuffer :: ArrayBuffer which contains three big-endian IEEE-754 double-precision floats.

import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder (execPut, putFloat64be)

  arraybuffer :: ArrayBuffer <- execPut do
    putFloat64be 1.0
    putFloat64be 2.0
    putFloat64be 3.0

Serialize an Array Int

Encode an Array Int with a length prefix in a way that’s compatible with the Binary instance for [Int32] from the Haskell binary library.

import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder (execPut, putInt32be)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Array (length)

putArrayInt32 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Array Int -> PutM m Unit
putArrayInt32 xs = do
    -- Put a 64-bit big-endian length prefix for the array.
    putInt32be 0
    putInt32be $ length xs
    traverse_ putInt32be xs

  arraybuffer <- execPut $ putArrayInt32 [1,2,3]

Serialize an Array Int stack-safe

Stack-safe version of the putArrayInt32 function above. For stack-safety we use foldRecM instead of traverse_ because foldRecM has a MonadRec constraint which makes it stack-safe.

import Data.Array (foldRecM)

putArrayInt32 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadRec m => Array Int -> PutM m Unit
putArrayInt32 xs = do
    -- Put a 64-bit big-endian length prefix for the array.
    putInt32be 0
    putInt32be $ length xs
    foldRecM (\_ x -> putInt32be x) unit xs


This package will always be stack-safe if all of the functions called inside of the PutM builder expression are stack-safe.


This package is only for writing ArrayBuffers, not reading them. See parsing-dataview for a way to deserialize from ArrayBuffer back to Purescript data.

Alternative packages for serializing to an ArrayBuffer


To run the tests,

spago -x spago-dev.dhall test


  • coming soon...