

A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.

How to develop locally

To run the Storybook locally:

git clone git@github.com:jacomyal/sigma.js.git
cd sigma.js
npm install
npm run start

This will open the Storybook in your web browser, which live reloads when you modify the stories or the package sources.


  • GitHub Project: The source code and collaborative development efforts for Sigma.js are hosted on GitHub.
  • Website: The official website, sigmajs.org, kindly designed by Robin de Mourat from the Sciences-Po médialab team, showcases the library’s capabilities.
  • Documentation: A detailed documentation, built with Docusaurus, is available at sigmajs.org/docs. It provides extensive guides and API references for users.
  • Storybook: Interactive examples can be found at sigmajs.org/storybook.
  • Demo: A comprehensive demo, available at sigmajs.org/demo, features a full-featured React-based web application utilizing Sigma.js.


  • coming soon...