

Terminal operations and manipulations.

For Lua 5.1

$ doas pkg_add -r lua-term

For Lua 5.2

$ doas pkg_add -r lua52-term

For Lua 5.3

$ doas pkg_add -r lua53-term

Or install from ports:

\( cd /usr/ports/devel/lua-term \) env FLAVOR=lua51 doas make install

### `term.clear([opt_file])`

Clear the terminal's contents.

### `term.cleareol([opt_file])`

Clear from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.

### `term.isatty(file)`

Returns `true` if `file` is a TTY; `false` otherwise.

*NOTE*: This function has been deprecated in favor of luaposix's implementation.
If you would like this functionality in the future, please use luaposix.

`term.colors` Values

The following values are available in `term.colors`:

### Terminal Attributes

  * reset
  * clear (a synonym for reset)
  * default (a synonym for reset)
  * bright
  * dim
  * underscore
  * blink
  * reverse
  * hidden

### Foreground Colors

  * black
  * red
  * green
  * yellow
  * blue
  * magenta
  * cyan
  * white

### Background Colors

  * onblack
  * onred
  * ongreen
  * onyellow
  * onblue
  * onmagenta
  * oncyan
  * onwhite

Every value in `term.colors` may be used in several ways:

### As a Function

print(colors.red 'hello')

As a String

print(colors.red .. 'hello' .. colors.reset)
print(colors.red, 'hello', colors.reset)

term.cursor Functions

term.cursor.goto([opt_file], x, y)

Place the cursor at (x, y).

term.cursor.jump([opt_file], x, y)

An alias for term.cursor.goto.

term.cursor.goup([opt_file], nlines)

Moves the cursor up nlines lines.

term.cursor.godown([opt_file], nlines)

Moves the cursor down nlines lines.

term.cursor.goright([opt_file], ncols)

Moves the cursor right ncols columns.

term.cursor.goleft([opt_file], ncols)

Moves the cursor left ncols columns.


Saves the cursor position.


Restores the cursor position.


If you are looking to simply provide coloration to a terminal application and would like to use a more “tag-like” API (ex. colors '%{red}hello%{reset}'), there is a Lua rock named ansicolors: https://github.com/kikito/ansicolors.lua


  • coming soon...