

Purely functional frontend framework powered by FRP.

Inline Examples

Single counter

single counter GIF

counter id = component \on -> do
  count <- accum (+) 0 on.change
  ( H.div {} (
      H.text "Counter " </>
      H.span {} (H.textB $ map show count) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "+" ) `use` (\o -> { change: o.click $> 1 }) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "-" ) `use` (\o -> { change: o.click $> -1 })
  ) `output` {}

main = runComponent "#mount" (counter 0)

List of counters

Show a list of counters. New counters can be added to the list. Existing counters can be deleted. The aggregated sum of all the counters is shown.

list of counters GIF

counter id = component \on -> do
  count <- accum (+) 0 on.change
  ( H.div {} (
      H.text "Counter " </>
      H.span {} (H.textB $ map show count) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "+" ) `use` (\o -> { change: o.click $> 1 }) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "-" ) `use` (\o -> { change: o.click $> -1 }) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "x") `use` (\o -> { delete: o.click })
  ) `output` { count, delete: on.delete $> id }

counterList init = component \on -> do
  let sum = on.listOut >>= (map (_.count) >>> foldr (lift2 (+)) (pure 0))
  let removeId = map (fold <<< map (_.delete)) on.listOut
  let removeCounter = map (\i -> filter (i /= _)) (shiftCurrent removeId)
  nextId <- scan (+) 0 (on.addCounter $> 1)
  let appendCounter = cons <$> nextId
  counterIds <- accum ($) init (appendCounter <> removeCounter)
  ( H.div {} (
      H.h1 {} (H.text "Counters") </>
      H.span {} (H.textB (map (\n -> "Sum " <> show n) sum)) </>
      H.button {} (H.text "Add counter") `use` (\o -> { addCounter: o.click }) </>
      list (\id -> counter id `use` identity) counterIds identity `use` (\o -> { listOut: o })
  ) `output` {}

main = runComponent "#mount" (counterList [0])


The best place to start is the getting started tutorial. It is a quick start tutorial which aims to explain the basics of Turbine as briefly as possible.

There is also an older, slightly outdated, tutorial.

Both API documentation for Turbine and API documentation for Hareactive is on Pursuit.

Taking a look at the examples is also a great way to see Turbine used in practice and to see how specific things are accomplished.


  • Email validator – A simple email validator.
  • Fahrenheit celsius converter – Conversion between fahrenheit and celsius.
  • Counters – A list of counters. This example shows how to create a dynamic list of components.
  • Continuous time – A very simple example showing how to work with continuous time.
  • Timer – A more complicated example demonstrating continuous time by implementing a timer with a progress bar.
  • Zip codes – A zip code validator. Shows how to perform Effects using FRP.
  • TodoMVC – The classic TodoMVC example (still has a couple of bugs and no routing).


  • coming soon...