

Tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs.



vmstats is a tiny Erlang app that gathers metrics on the Erlang VM and sends them to a configurable sink (e.g., StatsD).


The following is a list of the possible options for the configuration of the vmstats app:

  • sink - (module) a module that implements the vmstats_sink behaviour; vmstats metrics will be collected through this module.
  • base_key - (string) every metric name is prepended with this base key. Defaults to "vmstats".
  • key_separator - (char) used as a separator between the parts of metric keys. Defaults to $..
  • interval - (integer) the time (in milliseconds) between metric gatherings. Defaults to 1000 (1s).
  • sched_time - (boolean) whether to gather statistics about scheduler wall time. Defaults to true.
  • memory_metrics - (proplist of metric and key) what fields to collect statistics for. Available fields can be found here. Default list is [{total, total}, {processes_used, procs_used}, {atom_used, atom_used}, {binary, binary}, {ets, ets}].

vmstats_sink behaviour

vmstats sinks must implement the vmstats_sink behaviour. This behaviour only specifies one function:

-callback collect(Type :: counter | gauge | timing,
                  Key :: iodata(),
                  Value :: term()) -> ok.

I was basing myself on ‘master’ and stuff started breaking!

That’s because you should use tags for stable versions instead! The changelog should let you know what to expect.


See the CHANGELOG.md file.


  • coming soon...