

CMS and headless GraphQL API.


We consistently find that everyone has lots of sources of truth. You know, CRM holding customer data, accounting systems handling invoices, and more scattered across different SaaS platforms and databases? It’s a real pain to sync it all up!

In the past we used to copy data from everywhere to the DB, but that always breaks at some point.

Well, after years of grappling with this issue, we wanted a way to easily build a single GraphQL API in front of all those sources. An API that allows you to execute queries that even span across datasources (give me DB records where customer in CRM name is “Bob”), and also allows you to administer your data all from one place.

That’s why we built Graphweaver. We’ve been using it on our projects for about a year now and think you’ll love it too!


Graphweaver comes pre-built with the following security features:

  • Role Based Access Control - Define permissions and access rights at a role level and assign those roles to users.
  • Access Control Lists- Define and apply permissions based on user roles and assign them to Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
  • Row Level Security - Implement row-level security and define who has access to which rows in the data source.
  • Column Level Security - Fine-grained control over which fields and columns a user can access and modify.
  • Identity Providers - Pre-built identity providers for Local Database and Amazon Cognito.

For more on security see the security documentation.

Quick Start


Before we start the installer make sure you are running:

  • Node >18.*
  • PNPM >8.*

With those two installed you can create a new project with the Graphweaver CLI, by running:

npx graphweaver@latest init

The prompts will ask you which backends to install for this app.

First you will be asked to name the project:

? What would your like to call your new project?

Next, you will be asked to choose your data source. Select your data source and press enter.

? Which Graphweaver backends will you need?
◯ MikroORM - PostgreSQL Backend
◯ MikroORM - MySQL Backend
◯ REST Backend

Finally, you are asked to confirm that the project is going to be created.

? OK, we're ready- I'm going to create a new app in "/Users/test-project" - is that OK?

All Done!

Make sure you npm install / yarn install / pnpm install, then run the start script to get started

Once the new app has been created cd test-project. Then run pnpm install to install all the required dependencies.

Once installed, you can start the development server by running pnpm start.

This will launch the Graphweaver server and Admin UI at http://localhost:9000:

Project Logo

Very empty! We need to fill the API with data! To do that, we need to connect to a data source and create some entities.


Follow these steps to release new packages:

1. Create a new Branch:

Begin by creating a new branch. Base it on the latest main branch.

2. Update Package Versions:

Evaluate changes and adhere to Semantic Versioning (semver). Run the relevant command for major, minor or patch changes.

$ pnpm version:bump patch

To release a beta build run:

pnpm version:bump 1.0.0-beta.2

3. Update Package References:

Now the versions are bumped, but packages that depend on each other are still referencing the old version. Run this command to update all the references across the monorepo.

$ pnpm relink:deps

4. Commit and Pull Request:

Commit the changes. Create a pull request targeting the main branch.

5. Review and Merge:

Await PR approval, then merge it into main to integrate new versions.

6. Publish to NPM:

After merging, trigger the “Publish to NPM” workflow in the Actions tab.


  • coming soon...