
Composer Normalize

A plugin for normalizing `composer.json` files.


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This project provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.

Hmm, kinda cool I guess


When it comes to formatting composer.json, you have the following options:

  • you can stop caring
  • you can format it manually (and request changes when contributors format it differently)
  • you can use ergebnis/composer-normalize
ergebnis/composer-normalize normalizes composer.json, so you don’t have to.

:bulb: If you want to find out more, take a look at the examples and read this blog post.



composer require --dev ergebnis/composer-normalize

to install ergebnis/composer-normalize as a composer plugin.


composer config allow-plugins.ergebnis/composer-normalize true
to allow ergebnis/composer-normalize to run as a composer plugin.

:bulb: The allow-plugins has been added to composer/composer to add an extra layer of security.

For reference, see


Head over to http://github.com/ergebnis/composer-normalize/releases/latest and download the latest composer-normalize.phar.


chmod +x composer-normalize.phar

to make the downloaded composer-normalize.phar executable.



phive install ergebnis/composer-normalize

to install ergebnis/composer-normalize with PHIVE.



composer normalize

to normalize composer.json in the working directory.




to normalize composer.json in the working directory.




to normalize composer.json in the working directory.


The NormalizeCommand provided by the NormalizePlugin within this package will

  • determine whether a composer.json exists
  • determine whether a composer.lock exists, and if so, whether it is up to date (unless the --no-check-lock option is used)
  • use Ergebnis\Json\Normalizer\Vendor\Composer\ComposerJsonNormalizer to normalize the content of composer.json
  • format the normalized content (either as sniffed, or as specified using the --indent-size and --indent-style options)
  • write the normalized and formatted content of composer.json back to the file
  • update the hash in composer.lock if it exists and if an update is necessary


  • file: Path to composer.json file (optional, defaults to composer.json in working directory)


  • --diff: Show the results of normalizing
  • --dry-run: Show the results of normalizing, but do not modify any files
  • --indent-size: Indent size (an integer greater than 0); should be used with the --indent-style option
  • --indent-style: Indent style (one of “space”, “tab”); should be used with the --indent-size option
  • --no-check-lock: Do not check if lock file is up to date
  • --no-update-lock: Do not update lock file if it exists

As an alternative to specifying the --indent-size and --indent-style options, you can also use composer extra to configure these options in composer.json:

  "extra": {
    "composer-normalize": {
      "indent-size": 2,
      "indent-style": "space"

:bulb: The configuration provided in composer extra always overrides the configuration provided via command line options.

Continuous Integration

If you want to run this in continuous integration services, use the --dry-run option.

composer normalize --dry-run

In case composer.json is not normalized (or composer.lock is not up-to-date), the command will fail with an exit code of 1 and show a diff.



The maintainers of this project record notable changes to this project in a changelog.

Code of Conduct

The maintainers of this project ask contributors to follow the code of conduct.

Security Policy

This project has a security policy.


Follow @localheinz and @ergebnis on Twitter.


  • coming soon...