
Doctrine Extensions

A collection of Doctrine behavioural extensions.

Doctrine Behavioral Extensions

Continuous Integration Quality Assurance Coding Standards Latest Stable Version

This package contains extensions for Doctrine ORM and MongoDB ODM that offer new functionality or tools to use Doctrine more efficiently. These behaviors can be easily attached to the event system of Doctrine and handle the records being flushed in a behavioral way.



ORM Only

  • IpTraceable - inherited from Timestampable, sets IP address instead of timestamp
  • SoftDeleteable - allows to implicitly remove records
  • Sortable - makes any document or entity sortable
  • Uploadable - provides file upload handling in entity fields

Version Compatibility

  • DBAL: ^3.2
  • ORM: ^2.14 or ^3.0
  • MongoDB ODM: ^2.3

If you are setting up the Entity Manager without a framework, see the example to prevent issues like #1310

XML Mapping

XML mapping needs to be in a different namespace, the declared namespace for Doctrine extensions is http://gediminasm.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-extensions-mapping So root node now looks like this:

<doctrine-mapping xmlns="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping"

XML mapping xsd schemas are also versioned and can be used by version suffix:

Running Tests

To set up and run the tests, follow these steps:

  • Install Docker and ensure you have docker compose
  • From the project root, run docker compose up -d to start containers in daemon mode
  • Enter the container via docker compose exec php bash (you are now in the root directory: /var/www)
  • Install Composer dependencies via composer install
  • Run the tests: vendor/bin/phpunit

Running the Example

To set up and run example, follow these steps:

  • go to the root directory of extensions
  • download composer
  • install dev libraries: composer install
  • edit example/em.php and configure your database on top of the file
  • run: php example/bin/console or php example/bin/console for console commands
  • run: php example/bin/console orm:schema-tool:create to create the schema
  • run: php example/bin/console app:print-category-translation-tree to run the example to print the category translation tree


Thanks to everyone participating in the development of these great Doctrine extensions!

And especially ones who create and maintain new extensions:


  • coming soon...