

Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing.

The Accessibility Rules

Axe-core has different types of rules, for WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 on level A, AA and AAA as well as a number of best practices that help you identify common accessibility practices like ensuring every page has an h1 heading, and to help you avoid “gotchas” in ARIA like where an ARIA attribute you used will get ignored. The complete list of rules, grouped WCAG level and best practice, can found in doc/rule-descriptions.md.

With axe-core, you can find on average 57% of WCAG issues automatically. Additionally, axe-core will return elements as “incomplete” where axe-core could not be certain, and manual review is needed.

To catch bugs earlier in the development cycle we recommend using the axe-linter vscode extension. To improve test coverage even further we recommend the intelligent guided tests in the axe Extension.

Getting started

First download the package:

npm install axe-core --save-dev

Now include the javascript file in each of your iframes in your fixtures or test systems:

<script src="node_modules/axe-core/axe.min.js"></script>

Now insert calls at each point in your tests where a new piece of UI becomes visible or exposed:

  .then(results => {
    if (results.violations.length) {
      throw new Error('Accessibility issues found');
  .catch(err => {
    console.error('Something bad happened:', err.message);


The web can only become an accessible, inclusive space if developers are empowered to take responsibility for accessibility testing and accessible coding practices.

Automated accessibility testing is a huge timesaver, it doesn’t require special expertise, and it allows teams to focus expert resources on the accessibility issues that really need them. Unfortunately, most accessibility tools are meant to be run on sites and applications that have reached the end of the development process and often don’t give clear or consistent results, causing frustration and delays just when you thought your product was ready to ship.

Axe was built to reflect how web development actually works. It works with all modern browsers, tools, and testing environments a dev team might use. With axe, accessibility testing can be performed as part of your unit testing, integration testing, browser testing, and any other functional testing your team already performs on a day-to-day basis. Building accessibility testing into the early development process saves time, resources, and all kinds of frustration.

Contents of the API Package

The axe-core API package consists of:

  • axe.js - the JavaScript file that should be included in your web site under test (API)
  • axe.min.js - a minified version of the above file

Deque Trademarks Policy

DEQUE, DEQUELABS, AXE®, and AXE-CORE® are trademarks of Deque Systems, Inc. Use of the Deque trademarks must be in accordance with Deque’s trademark policy.

Projects using axe-core

List of projects using axe-core


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