

Lightweight, fine-grained, resolution independent, modular GUI library. [MIT]

Elements-Logo Elements C++ GUI library

CMake Build Matrix


Please take note that Elements is still very much in flux as we are inching closer towards a version 1.0 release. The API and code is still undergoing continuous changes, and for that matter, Elements is not yet “production ready”. But that should not prevent you from using Elements now! It is already in a very usable form, and more people using it will ultimately make it more robust when bugs are reported and fixed. API and usability matters and I very much welcome suggestions and contributions. Hey, this is an open source project! If you like the design, concepts and ideas behind Elements, I very much welcome collaboration.


March 28, 2024: I decided to bring the Cairo-based backend of Elements back into the fold. It will be the master branch once again. The Skia backend version is still very much in active development, but it still needs a lot of testing and work, especially with the way Skia is integrated.

Follow this link for details.


Feel free to join the discord channel for discussion and chat with the developers.


  • coming soon...