

A static Composer repository generator.


A simple static Composer repository generator.

Run as Docker container

Note: use composer/satis for Docker Hub, ghcr.io/composer/satis for GitHub container registry.

Pull the image:

docker pull composer/satis

Run the image (with Composer cache from host):

docker run --rm --init -it \
  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  --volume $(pwd):/build \
  --volume "${COMPOSER_HOME:-$HOME/.composer}:/composer" \
  composer/satis build <configuration-file> <output-directory>

If you want to run the image without implicitly running Satis, you have to override the entrypoint specified in the Dockerfile:

--entrypoint /bin/sh


If you choose to archive packages as part of your build, over time you can be left with useless files. With the purge command, you can delete these files.

php bin/satis purge <configuration-file> <output-dir>

Note: don’t do this unless you are certain your projects no longer reference any of these archives in their composer.lock files.


Updating Satis is as simple as running git pull && composer install in the Satis directory.

If you are running Satis as a Docker container, simply pull the latest image.

install tooling & dependencies

for d in tools/*; do composer –working-dir=$d install; done

run php-cs-fixer

tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix

run phpstan


alternatively, use the shortcuts

composer phpstan composer php-cs-fixer[-fix] “`


See the list of [contributors][] who participate(d) in this project.

Community Tools

  • [satisfy][] - Symfony based composer repository manager with a simple web UI.


  • [eventum/composer] - A simple static set of packages hosted in GitHub Pages
  • [satis.spatie.be] - A brief guide to setting up and securing a Satis repository


  • coming soon...