
CakePHP I18n

Message translation and localization for dates and numbers.

Setting the Current Locale

use Cake\I18n\I18n;


Setting path to folder containing po files.

use Cake\Core\Configure;

Configure::write('App.paths.locales', ['/path/with/trailing/slash/']);

Please refer to the CakePHP Manual for details about expected folder structure and file naming.

Translating a Message

echo __(
    'Hi {0,string}, your balance on the {1,date} is {2,number,currency}',
    ['Charles', '2014-01-13 11:12:00', 1354.37]

// Returns
Hi Charles, your balance on the Jan 13, 2014, 11:12 AM is $ 1,354.37

Creating Your Own Translators

use Cake\I18n\I18n;
use Cake\I18n\Package;

I18n::translator('animals', 'fr_FR', function () {
    $package = new Package(
        'default', // The formatting strategy (ICU)
        'default', // The fallback domain
        'Dog' => 'Chien',
        'Cat' => 'Chat',
        'Bird' => 'Oiseau'

    return $package;

__d('animals', 'Dog'); // Returns "Chien"

Formatting Time

$time = Time::now();
echo $time; // shows '4/20/14, 10:10 PM' for the en-US locale

Formatting Numbers

echo Number::format(100100100);
echo Number::currency(123456.7890, 'EUR');
// outputs €123,456.79


Please make sure you check the official I18n documentation.

The documentation for the Time class contains instructions on how to configure and output time strings for selected locales.

The documentation for the Number class shows how to use the Number class for displaying numbers in specific locales.


  • coming soon...