

A library providing large number support: `BigInteger`, `BigDecimal` and `BigRational`.

Project status & release process

While this library is still under development, it is well tested and considered stable enough to use in production environments.

The current releases are numbered 0.x.y. When a non-breaking change is introduced (adding new methods, optimizing existing code, etc.), y is incremented.

When a breaking change is introduced, a new 0.x version cycle is always started.

It is therefore safe to lock your project to a given release cycle, such as ^0.12.

If you need to upgrade to a newer release cycle, check the release history for a list of changes introduced by each further 0.x.0 version.

Package contents

This library provides the following public classes in the Brick\Math namespace:

  • BigNumber: base class for BigInteger, BigDecimal and BigRational
  • BigInteger: represents an arbitrary-precision integer number.
  • BigDecimal: represents an arbitrary-precision decimal number.
  • BigRational: represents an arbitrary-precision rational number (fraction).
  • RoundingMode: enum representing all available rounding modes.

And the following exceptions in the Brick\Math\Exception namespace:


Immutability & chaining

The BigInteger, BigDecimal and BigRational classes are immutable: their value never changes, so that they can be safely passed around. All methods that return a BigInteger, BigDecimal or BigRational return a new object, leaving the original object unaffected:

$ten = BigInteger::of(10);

echo $ten->plus(5); // 15
echo $ten->multipliedBy(3); // 30

The methods can be chained for better readability:

echo BigInteger::of(10)->plus(5)->multipliedBy(3); // 45

Parameter types

All methods that accept a number: plus(), minus(), multipliedBy(), etc. accept the same types as of(). For example, given the following number:

$integer = BigInteger::of(123);

The following lines are equivalent:


Just like of(), other types of BigNumber are acceptable, as long as they can be safely converted to the current type:

echo BigInteger::of(2)->multipliedBy(BigDecimal::of('2.0')); // 4
echo BigInteger::of(2)->multipliedBy(BigDecimal::of('2.5')); // RoundingNecessaryException
echo BigDecimal::of(2.5)->multipliedBy(BigInteger::of(2)); // 5.0

Division & rounding


By default, dividing a BigInteger returns the exact result of the division, or throws an exception if the remainder of the division is not zero:

echo BigInteger::of(999)->dividedBy(3); // 333
echo BigInteger::of(1000)->dividedBy(3); // RoundingNecessaryException

You can pass an optional rounding mode to round the result, if necessary:

echo BigInteger::of(1000)->dividedBy(3, RoundingMode::DOWN); // 333
echo BigInteger::of(1000)->dividedBy(3, RoundingMode::UP); // 334

If you’re into quotients and remainders, there are methods for this, too:

echo BigInteger::of(1000)->quotient(3); // 333
echo BigInteger::of(1000)->remainder(3); // 1

You can even get both at the same time:

[$quotient, $remainder] = BigInteger::of(1000)->quotientAndRemainder(3);

Dividing a BigDecimal always requires a scale to be specified. If the exact result of the division does not fit in the given scale, a rounding mode must be provided.

echo BigDecimal::of(1)->dividedBy('8', 3); // 0.125
echo BigDecimal::of(1)->dividedBy('8', 2); // RoundingNecessaryException
echo BigDecimal::of(1)->dividedBy('8', 2, RoundingMode::HALF_DOWN); // 0.12
echo BigDecimal::of(1)->dividedBy('8', 2, RoundingMode::HALF_UP); // 0.13

If you know that the division yields a finite number of decimals places, you can use exactlyDividedBy(), which will automatically compute the required scale to fit the result, or throw an exception if the division yields an infinite repeating decimal:

echo BigDecimal::of(1)->exactlyDividedBy(256); // 0.00390625
echo BigDecimal::of(1)->exactlyDividedBy(11); // RoundingNecessaryException

The result of the division of a BigRational can always be represented exactly:

echo BigRational::of('123/456')->dividedBy('7'); // 123/3192
echo BigRational::of('123/456')->dividedBy('9/8'); // 984/4104


  • coming soon...