

Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD.

** DEPRECATED ** Please look at https://github.com/benoitc/erlang-nat to replace it.

nat_upnp - Make your port public using UNP

Copyright © 2013 Benoît Chesneau.

Version: 0.1.0

Discover the router

1> {ok, Context} = nat_upnp:discover().

Add a port mapping

2> Protocol = tcp,
2> ExternalPort = 5638,
2> InternalPort = 5638,
2> Description = "test nat upnp",
2> Timeout = 0,
2> ok = nat_upnp:add_port_mapping(Context, Protocol, ExternalPort, InternalPort, Description, Timeout).

Note: Timeout = 0 mean, the port will never be released (ie. infinite timeout)

Remove a port mapping

3> ok = nat_upnp:delete_port_mapping(Context, Protocol, ExternalPort).

Note: don’t forget to remove the port you registered to the router when you exit the application or close the port. For example you could monitor the process that maintain the socket and when it’s closing, unregister the port. Of course there are many other way to achieve that purpose.


For issues, comments or feedback please create an issue.

Notes for developers

If you want to contribute patches or improve the doc, you will need to build nat_unp using the rebar_dev.config file. It can also be built using the Makefile:

$ make dev ; # compile & get deps
$ make devclean ; # clean all files




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