

C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols, designed to be simple, fast and with security as a priority. [`Apache 2.0`](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Apache-2.0)

clone s2n-tls

git clone https://github.com/aws/s2n-tls.git cd s2n-tls

install build dependencies

sudo apt update sudo apt install cmake

install a libcrypto

sudo apt install libssl-dev

build s2n-tls

cmake . -Bbuild


cmake –build build -j \((nproc) CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=\)(nproc) ctest –test-dir build cmake –install build “`

See the s2n-tls build documentation for further guidance on building s2n-tls for your platform.

s2n-tls safety mechanisms

Internally s2n-tls takes a systematic approach to data protection and includes several mechanisms designed to improve safety.

Small and auditable code base

Ignoring tests, blank lines and comments, s2n-tls is about 6,000 lines of code. s2n’s code is also structured and written with a focus on reviewability. All s2n-tls code is subject to code review, and we plan to complete security evaluations of s2n-tls on an annual basis.

To date there have been two external code-level reviews of s2n-tls, including one by a commercial security vendor. s2n-tls has also been shared with some trusted members of the broader cryptography, security, and Open Source communities. Any issues discovered are always recorded in the s2n-tls issue tracker.

Static analysis, fuzz-testing and penetration testing

In addition to code reviews, s2n-tls is subject to regular static analysis, fuzz-testing, and penetration testing. Several penetration tests have occurred, including two by commercial vendors.

Erase on read

s2n-tls encrypts or erases plaintext data as quickly as possible. For example, decrypted data buffers are erased as they are read by the application.

Built-in memory protection

s2n-tls uses operating system features to protect data from being swapped to disk or appearing in core dumps.

Compartmentalized random number generation

The security of TLS and its associated encryption algorithms depends upon secure random number generation. s2n-tls provides every thread with two separate random number generators. One for “public” randomly generated data that may appear in the clear, and one for “private” data that should remain secret. This approach lessens the risk of potential predictability weaknesses in random number generation algorithms from leaking information across contexts.

Table based state-machines

s2n-tls uses simple tables to drive the TLS/SSL state machines, making it difficult for invalid out-of-order states to arise.

C safety

s2n-tls is written in C, but makes light use of standard C library functions and wraps all memory handling, string handling, and serialization in systematic boundary-enforcing checks.

Language Bindings for s2n-tls

See our language bindings list for language bindings for s2n-tls that we’re aware of.


  • coming soon...