

🚀 Futuristic JavaScript test runner

Create your test file

Create a file named test.js in the project root directory.

Note that AVA’s documentation assumes you’re using ES modules.

import test from 'ava';

test('foo', t => {

test('bar', async t => {
	const bar = Promise.resolve('bar');
	t.is(await bar, 'bar');

Running your tests

npm test

Or with npx:

npx ava

Run with the --watch flag to enable AVA’s watch mode:

npx ava --watch


Magic assert

AVA adds code excerpts and clean diffs for actual and expected values. If values in the assertion are objects or arrays, only a diff is displayed, to remove the noise and focus on the problem. The diff is syntax-highlighted too! If you are comparing strings, both single and multi line, AVA displays a different kind of output, highlighting the added or missing characters.

Clean stack traces

AVA automatically removes unrelated lines in stack traces, allowing you to find the source of an error much faster, as seen above.


Please see the files in the docs directory:

Common pitfalls

We have a growing list of common pitfalls you may experience while using AVA. If you encounter any issues you think are common, comment in this issue.



How is the name written and pronounced?

AVA, not Ava or ava. Pronounced /ˈeɪvə/: Ay (face, made) V (vie, have) A (comma, ago)

What is the header background?

It’s the Andromeda galaxy.

What is the difference between concurrency and parallelism?

Concurrency is not parallelism. It enables parallelism.


Mark Wubben Sindre Sorhus
Mark Wubben Sindre Sorhus


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