

A general purpose GPU library. [BSD]

Conway’s Game of Life Using ArrayFire

Visit the [Wikipedia page][2] for a description of Conway’s Game of Life.

Conway's Game of Life

static const float h_kernel[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
static const array kernel(3, 3, h_kernel, afHost);

array state = (randu(128, 128, f32) > 0.5).as(f32); // Init state
Window myWindow(256, 256);
while(!myWindow.close()) {
    array nHood = convolve(state, kernel); // Obtain neighbors
    array C0 = (nHood == 2);  // Generate conditions for life
    array C1 = (nHood == 3);
    state = state * C0 + C1;  // Update state
    myWindow.image(state);    // Display

The complete source code can be found [here][3].



array predict(const array &X, const array &W) {
    return sigmoid(matmul(X, W));

array train(const array &X, const array &Y,
        double alpha = 0.1, double maxerr = 0.05,
        int maxiter = 1000, bool verbose = false) {
    array Weights = constant(0, X.dims(1), Y.dims(1));

    for (int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++) {
        array P   = predict(X, Weights);
        array err = Y - P;
        if (mean<float>(abs(err) < maxerr) break;
        Weights += alpha * matmulTN(X, err);
    return Weights;

array Weights = train(train_feats, train_targets);
array test_outputs  = predict(test_feats, Weights);
display_results<true>(test_images, test_outputs,
                      test_targets, 20);

The complete source code can be found [here][31].

For more code examples, visit the [examples/][4] directory.


You can find the complete documentation here.

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