

Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Swift Apps.

How to get started?

☁️ Managed Cloud

The easiest and quickest way to get started. A fully managed service by the creators of Aptabase to help you get started in minutes. Forget about managing software updates and patches; we do it all for you!

Try free now →

🏢 Self-Hosted

You can also host Aptabase on your servers. It’s free, but you are responsible for maintenance and updates.

Learn how →.


We provide SDKs for the most popular frameworks and languages to make it easier to integrate them into your app.

🛠️ Don’t see the SDK for your platform? You can build your own! Check out our guide on how to build your own SDK.

Need help?


Aptabase is highly inspired by Plausible. If you’re looking for privacy-friendly website analytics, go check them out. They’re awesome! ❤️


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