

A distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol. [Apache2]

Build and run Kvrocks


# Ubuntu / Debian
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git build-essential cmake libtool python3 libssl-dev

# CentOS / RedHat
sudo yum install -y centos-release-scl-rh
sudo yum install -y git devtoolset-11 autoconf automake libtool libstdc++-static python3 openssl-devel
# enable gcc and make in devtoolset-11
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/enable

# openSUSE / SUSE Linux Enterprise
sudo zypper install -y gcc11 gcc11-c++ make wget git autoconf automake python3 curl cmake

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm autoconf automake python3 git wget which cmake make gcc

# macOS
brew install git cmake autoconf automake libtool openssl
# please link openssl by force if it still cannot be found after installing
brew link --force openssl

Running Kvrocks

$ ./build/kvrocks -c kvrocks.conf

Running Kvrocks using Docker

$ docker run -it -p 6666:6666 apache/kvrocks --bind
# or get the nightly image:
$ docker run -it -p 6666:6666 apache/kvrocks:nightly

Please visit Apache Kvrocks on DockerHub for additional details about images.

Connect Kvrocks service

$ redis-cli -p 6666> get a

Running test cases

$ ./x.py build --unittest
$ ./x.py test cpp # run C++ unit tests
$ ./x.py test go # run Golang (unit and integration) test cases


Namespace is used to isolate data between users. Unlike all the Redis databases can be visited by requirepass, we use one token per namespace. requirepass is regraded as admin token, and only admin token allows to access the namespace command, as well as some commands like config, slaveof, bgsave, etc. See the Namespace page for more details.

# add token> namespace add ns1 my_token

# update token> namespace set ns1 new_token

# list namespace> namespace get *
1) "ns1"
2) "new_token"
3) "__namespace"
4) "foobared"

# delete namespace> namespace del ns1


Kvrocks implements a proxyless centralized cluster solution but its accessing method is completely compatible with the Redis cluster client. You can use Redis cluster SDKs to access the kvrocks cluster. More details, please see: Kvrocks Cluster Introduction


  • To manage Kvrocks clusters for failover, scaling up/down and more, use kvrocks-controller
  • To export the Kvrocks monitor metrics, use kvrocks_exporter
  • To migrate from Redis to Kvrocks, use RedisShake
  • To migrate from Kvrocks to Redis, use kvrocks2redis built via ./x.py build

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