
Active Merchant

A simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify.

From Git

You can check out the latest source from git:

git clone git://github.com/activemerchant/active_merchant.git

Use the TrustCommerce test servers

ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::TrustCommerceGateway.new(

        :login => 'TestMerchant',
        :password => 'password')

ActiveMerchant accepts all amounts as Integer values in cents

amount = 1000 # $10.00

The card verification value is also known as CVV2, CVC2, or CID

credit_card = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(

            :first_name         => 'Bob',
            :last_name          => 'Bobsen',
            :number             => '4242424242424242',
            :month              => '8',
            :year               => Time.now.year+1,
            :verification_value => '000')

Validating the card automatically detects the card type

if credit_card.validate.empty? # Capture $10 from the credit card response = gateway.purchase(amount, credit_card)

if response.success?

puts "Successfully charged $#{sprintf("%.2f", amount / 100)} to the credit card #{credit_card.display_number}"


raise StandardError, response.message

end end “`

API stability policy

Functionality or APIs that are deprecated will be marked as such. Deprecated functionality is removed on major version changes - for example, deprecations from 2.x are removed in 3.x.


  • coming soon...