

UI testing library for interact with network requests, stub CLLocationManager and UNUserNotificationCenter, and fine grain scrolling in table/collection/scroll views

Should I use this?

SBTUITestTunnel is intended to extend Apple’s XCTest framework, not to replace it. It all boils down to a single subclass of XCUIApplication which comes with the additional features listed above, so it is very easy to integrate with your existing testing code.

Additional resources?

We made additional resources available to improve the UI Testing experience:

  • Mendoza: parallelize UI tests over multiple physical machines
  • Cachi: parse Xcode’s 11 .xcresult bundles
  • SBTUITestTunnelHost: access the mac host from your test target


Kudos to the developers of the following pods which we use in SBTUITestTunnel:


Contributions are welcome! If you have a bug to report, feel free to help out by opening a new issue or sending a pull request.


Tomas Camin (@tomascamin)


  • coming soon...