

A functional and reactive UI framework based on Rx and VirtualDom.

OutWatch - Functional, reactive and type safe UIs

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This project is currently unmaintained!

Active development is happening in the scala version of OutWatch: https://github.com/OutWatch/outwatch

Getting started

First you will need to install purescript and pulp if you haven’t already. Then run the following commands to install OutWatch.

$ bower install purescript-outwatch
$ npm install rxjs snabbdom

And you’re done, you can now start building your own OutWatch app! Please check out the documentation on how to proceed.

Three main goals of OutWatch

  1. Updating DOM efficiently without sacrificing abstraction => Virtual DOM
  2. Handling subscriptions automatically
  3. Removing or restricting the need for Higher Order Observables


All examples are located in folder examples:

Run tests

npm install
npm test

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


  • coming soon...