

Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies. - https://projects.verou.me/awesomplete/


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Awesomplete is an ultra lightweight, customizable, simple autocomplete widget with zero dependencies, built with modern standards for modern browsers.


JS Property HTML Attribute Description Value Default
list data-list Where to find the list of suggestions. Array of strings, HTML element, CSS selector (no groups, i.e. no commas), String containing a comma-separated list of items N/A
minChars data-minchars Minimum characters the user has to type before the autocomplete popup shows up. Number 2
maxItems data-maxitems Maximum number of suggestions to display. Number 10
autoFirst data-autofirst Should the first element be automatically Boolean false
listLabel data-listlabel Denotes a label to be used as aria-label on the generated autocomplete list. String Results List


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