

is a clean and powerful stream processing library that lets you build and connect reusable streaming components. [Resources](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/#cat:Pipes).


pipes is a clean and powerful stream processing library that lets you build and connect reusable streaming components.

Quick start

Then fire up ghci:

$ ghci
Prelude> import Pipes
Prelude Pipes> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

… and echo standard input to standard output until you enter quit.

Prelude Pipes P> runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") >-> P.stdoutLn
Prelude P> -- Done!

To learn more, read the pipes tutorial.


  • Concise API: Use simple commands like for, (>->), await, and yield

  • Blazing fast: Implementation tuned for speed, including shortcut fusion

  • Lightweight Dependency: pipes is small and compiles very rapidly, including dependencies

  • Elegant semantics: Use practical category theory

  • ListT: Correct implementation of ListT that interconverts with pipes

  • Bidirectionality: Implement duplex channels

  • Extensive Documentation: Second to none!


The pipes library emphasizes the following three design precepts:

  • Emphasize elegance - Elegant libraries replace inelegant libraries

  • Theory everywhere - Principled design promotes intuitive behavior

  • Minimize dependencies - Small dependency profiles maximize portability

Development Status

Build Status

pipes is stable, and current work focuses on packaging pipes for various package managers. The long term goal is to get pipes into the Haskell platform and become the basic building block for streaming APIs.

Community Resources

How to contribute

  • Contribute code

  • Build derived libraries

  • Write pipes tutorials


  • coming soon...